University of RomaTre

20 MAY 2022

Lecture: Cultural heritage as resource for transforming places of violence in spaces of memory


Anna Lisa Tota is Full Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Communication and Performing Arts of the Rome 3 University and “Gastprofessor” at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland. She is member of the Academic Senate of the Roma 3 University (2019-2023). She has founded with Tia DeNora and other European colleagues in 2001 the ESA Research Network on Sociology of the Arts and in 2005 the ESA Research Network on Sociology of Culture. She has been Vicechair (1999-2001; 2015-2017) and Chair (2001-2003) of the ESA RN on Sociology of Arts. She has also been Vicechair (2005-2007; 2007-2009) and Chair (2009-2011) of the ESA RN on Sociology of Culture. She has served for many years as expert evaluator for the European Commission in Brussels (1999-2010). From 2013 she has been member of the Research Network RAN (Radicalisation Awareness Network) founded by the European Commission against Terrorism. Her research interests include sociology of the arts, cultural sociology, memory studies, museum studies, music sociology, photography, public memories of terrorism, gender, and sociology of advertising. She is the author of several books, and several essays and articles published in Italian, English, German, Spanish and Portuguese. Among her latest publications: 2016 Anna Lisa Tota e Trever Hagen (eds.) Routledge International Handbook of Memory Studies, London, Routledge;  2018 Sociologie della memoria. Verso un’ecologia del passato, Anna Lisa Tota, Trever Hagen e Lia Luchetti (a cura di), Carocci, Roma; 2020 Ecologia della parola. Il piacere della conversazione, Torino, Einaudi, collana “I Maverick”; 2020 con Antonietta De Feo, Sociologia delle arti. Musei, memoria e performance digitali, Roma, Carocci. Email: