Slodoban Dan Paich
Slodoban Dan Paich
Slobodan Dan Paich has delivered numerous papers at international conferences as keynote speaker and presenter based on his courses, lectures and research since 1969, which address tangible and intangible heritage, comparative cultural studies and migration of peoples, craft technics and ideas.
The courses he initiated in 1969 at the college and university level broadened the scope of art history into the History of Art and Ideas. These courses included geographies larger than the European cultural sphere and an interdisciplinary, across time curriculum was developed that included ancient and indigenous people as differently cultured, ingénues and refined rather than primitive.
Slobodan Dan Paich was born in Yugoslavia after the Second World War. He lived in England from 1967 to 1985. In London S. D. Paich taught the History of Art and Ideas, Architectural Design, Design Theory and Art Studio from 1969 to1985. From1985 to1992, he taught at the University of California at Berkeley. With colleagues and concern citizens he founded the Artship Foundation in 1992, and has been its Executive and Programmatic Director and Principal Comparative Cultural Studies Researcher ever since. He also served as a board member of the Society of Founders of the International Peace University in Europe and Asia from 1996 to 2017. From 1996 to 2002 he lectured annually in Berlin and Vienna and chaired the Committee on Arts and Culture.
Since 2011 Slobodan Dan Paich has participated annually in conferences at the Romanian Universities of Timişoara and Sibiu and was appointed visiting professor at University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Anthropology-Cultural Studies Section, Timisoara, Romania in 2016.
Slobodan Dan Paich is Comparative Cultures and Interdisciplinary curriculum designer and consultant.