Giovanna Santaera
Giovanna Santaera
Giovanna Santaera is a PhD Student in Science of Cultural Heritage and Production with the University of Catania.
Actually, she is working on cine museums in Italy and the communication of the cinematographic heritage with the co-tutoring of Stefania Rimini (Associate Professor of Cinema, Television and audio-visual media) and Rinella Cere (Lecturer of Media and Culture at Sheffield Hallam University).
She has a Master Degree in Communication of Culture and Performing Arts and professional experiences about Digital Marketing and Web Strategies applied to the cultural sector.
From 2018 she is part of the editorial staff of Arabeschi - International Journal about Visual and Literary Studies. Recently, she has written essays and participated in conferences dedicated to the cinematographic forms of the reel, the reconfiguration of the archives, and the intermedialiality of visual artistic works and heritages.